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| Technorati Profile tulsatithonia
This is a place for us to just tell it like it is or was or will never be should be could be might be shouldnt be etc etc and so on and so forth yadda yadda yadda dis and dat tuff and tings whatever ..............
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Public Notice
July 10, 2007
Oklahoma Sales Tax Holiday Set for August 3-5, 2007
Beginning at 12:01 am on Friday, August 3, 2007, and ending at twelve midnight on Sunday, August 5, 2007, Oklahoma will hold a sales tax holiday giving shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain clothing and shoes free of sales tax. This includes state, city, county and local municipality sales taxes.
Retailers are required to participate and may not charge tax on items that are legally tax-exempt during the sales tax holiday. The sales tax holiday exempts the sale of clothing and shoes priced at less than $100 from sales taxes.
For more information and answers to common questions on the sales tax holiday, as well as a listing of sales tax exempt items please refer to the Oklahoma Tax Commission website at
Related Link: Oklahoma Sales Tax Holiday Information and FAQs
Related Link: Emergency Rule 710:65-13-511 Sales Tax Holiday (pdf)
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Labels: taxoklahoma School clothes