Technorati Profile Hot Cup of Java.......: 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007

100th Post

I sure took my time getting here too I might add. I can't believe I made it. Yet here I am. I've been playing on insanejournal too long I do believe.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

The team is arriving slowly but surely-lol

Welcome Talon! Jump in any time now!

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Blog Writers and Artists Network

And how could I forget the place I learned of these great things?! I was reading

this guys blog when I saw this guys comment with the firescribe ext info on right clicking lol.

Hey, gotta give credit where credit is due!

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Wow All this time.....

I had no idea that all this time I could have been right clicking on my scribefire to open it in a new tab on firefox. Yippee. There is also an option to open in a whole new window. Now my only problem is to keep from bits of code showing up after I publish it on blogger. I need to publish on other blogs too. Sure I can copy and paste but my tags, My tags!

Any tips to make my publishing from scribfire smoother? It's the double spacing that causes the problem.

I found a great network on ning. For all of us Blogging Firefoxy Googlers.This is a network for those of us who can't imagine the internet without these 3 things at least! It's also for those who want to know more about them. It's a great social network to show off your stuff and meet like minded people. You can also create your own groups within the network! It's ning-social network-groups-individual pages. That is like 4 in one, not to mention the blogs on networks,your own page, your external sites and on groups. It's like a bloggers party. You'll recognize a lot of people from blog catalog too.

Good night all, and to all a good blog!

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Blogging FireFoxy Googlers!

There is a new network on ning. It's for Blogging FireFoxy Googlers and you know who you are lol! You're the ones who are lost without tabs and cool extentions. You're the ones who don't understand using anything else. You may have forgotten there even is anything else!

Within this social network, you can even create your own groups. For example, you may want a separate group for pro bloggers, personal, regional, technical etc.

What's great is there's a blog on the network page which displays everyone's posts but you also have "my page" for each and every network your in. Of course, you have you're own blog also. You can join other networks, create your own and participate in any of the groups in your networks.

You'll see a lot of familiar faces from blogcatalog and mybloglog there too. The possibilities are endless with ning. Come join the fun and add a little more traffic to your blog.

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Submit your unsent anonymous letters!

Letters that are never sent for (usually) obvious reasons can be really entertaining. I thought I'd dig up this idea once again and try it here on blogger. These can be ones you've written or "found". They can even be ones you truly have no intention of sending but just make ya feel great.

I've got quite a few of those--I may need to search the old file cabnet and scan them. I may include some letters that were in fact sent to me that were unbelievable lol.

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Hot Cup of Java.......: Update

Hot Cup of Java.......: Update


The scribefire test went well as did the nightquil. I'm awake and my post was drafted in it's rightful spot (although I know now to uncheck the post as draft box).

All links, labels and technorati tags were displayed.

I like this thing, as one can use it to simply save private notes as well. No fear of losing my posts either. I'm extremely pleased.


I've been playing around on me.dium the past couple of days and it seems like a really cool service. They also have a group on facebook. It works much better when you have friends surfing online with you already, but I'm sure I'll be meeting a lot new people. Check em out!


Ning lets you create your own social network while they have several great ones already in place for you to join.

Add these to stumble upon, google, firefox and and you about got the world in your hands :-)

Happy blogging!

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Nightquil and Blogging

They don't go together too well although, my forehead and the keyboard seem to go together nicely ( and closely )

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This is only a test.

This is a test of ScribeFire. It sure looks pretty and sems to recognize some of my blogger blogs. Not all. It doesn't list xanga, friendster,Mindsay, myspace, 360 or aol journals. However, it may work. I'll be testing those as well.

Live view looks real close to the editing I'm doing now. It is a firefox extension.

The following I copied and pasted from the performancing node

(All the credits and links should remain as the labels and tags I add to this post.)

Creating Viral Sarcasm

Submitted by Brett Bumeter on June 13, 2007 - 6:40pm in | |

For quite some time I have been trying to find a way to win the blogging lottery. I am referring to that story that takes on a viral life of its own. You know the type, you probably receive one in your email inbox on a regular basis.

Its the story that gets passed around, linked around, emailed around and commented upon on CNN even. I'm not talking about reporting or blogging facts here.

I am talking about blogging or writing a piece of humor/humour or sarcasm that takes on a life of its own.

I don't want to create the article du jour for The Onion. I don't even really want the YouTube video that 6 million people view. I want that crazy article that you get in your email that you just have to show your friends, your coworkers, your parents, maybe even your kids - ok probably not your kids.

I have taken a few meager swings at this from time to time, like when I covered the Harry Potter Witch Trial about a year ago, when a 'reformed' Wiccan Witch saw the light and testified against Harry Potter in my city.

I've tried several crazy different diatribes. Even last night I kicked off a new effort focused on the Clinton Administration bombing of Al Qaeda in 1998 with a cruise missile carrying a warhead of weaponized exctasy and viagra, recently covered in the news as the Gay Bomb.

I don't expect this one to be 'the one' but I keep trying. I learn a little more each time, but this seems to be a much tougher objective to accomplish than your typical link building strategy or marketing campaign. I'm not trying to hit a line drive or just make it onto first base. I'm trying to hit a grand slam out of the park, when I normally just barely get on base.

Performancing has blogging Pro's from around the world. I'm curious if anyone here has ever pulled off one of these grand slams and what lessons you learned from the effort.

  1. Do you have any tips to pass on?
  2. Best Practices?
  3. Mistakes to Avoid?

Lists seem popular

Well, you probably wouldn't consider this a "grand slam", but I did make it to the front page of Digg with this story:

Which, for me is a big deal since my site went from like 200 visits per day to over 20,000 visits in just a couple of days. It seems to me that all of the most successful viral blog stories are lists! "100 ways you know you are a nerd," etc.

I think that appealing to people's sense of self-identity is a good strategy for ensuring that they want to spread it around. People like talking about themselves or their own social groups, right? So why not try to focus on identity markers like race, gender, nationality, or religion? Most of the links my dad sends to clog up my inbox at school are usually vaguely racist and/or misogynistic.

Stay Tuned..........

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Friday, June 08, 2007

_____________Forum and Wildlife_____________

Heres to All of Us!

We're growing fast and we're full of facts, opinions, ideas and concepts.

Most of all we're full of people in search of tips that only YOU can provide.

Great way to chit chat and meet new people. Come join us! We are listed

under advice so you can navigate easily back and forth with yahoo

answers. We are looking forward to meeting you and have a spot reserved

for you at our forum. Help us celebrate the first day of the rest of our


Click here to join Herez2us
Click to join Herez2us

This group is dedicated to members of the human race and all that we

know, have, give, do, feel, think, wonder about and love.

I just took action to end the brutal slaughter of Alaska's wolves through

aerial gunning at, and I hope you'll join me.

More than 150 wolves have already been shot dead under the state's brutal

aerial gunning program so far this year. The Alaska Board of Game allows

marksmen shoot wolves from aircraft, or use low-flying airplanes to chase

the wolves, run the helpless creatures to exhaustion, then gun them down

at point-blank range once they're too tired to run any further.

So far, the Bush administration has refused to use its power to stop the

slaughter of these magnificent animals.

We must stop the slaughter of Alaska's wolves. Help me protect these

magnificent creatures by clicking the link below to send a free message to

President Bush and Interior Secretary Kempthorne urging them to enforce

the Federal Airborne Hunting Act before it's too late for Alaska's wolves.

Please go to to take action now.

Then forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to join


Thanks for helping to protect our precious wolves.

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forum and wildlife

Heres to All of Us!

We're growing fast and we're full of facts, opinions, ideas and concepts.

Most of all we're full of people in search of tips that only YOU can provide.

Great way to chit chat and meet new people. Come join us! We are listed

under advice so you can navigate easily back and forth with yahoo

answers. We are looking forward to meeting you and have a spot reserved

for you at our forum. Help us celebrate the first day of the rest of our


Click here to join Herez2us
Click to join Herez2us

This group is dedicated to members of the human race and all that we

know, have, give, do, feel, think, wonder about and love.

I just took action to end the brutal slaughter of Alaska's wolves through

aerial gunning at, and I hope you'll join me.

More than 150 wolves have already been shot dead under the state's brutal

aerial gunning program so far this year. The Alaska Board of Game allows

marksmen shoot wolves from aircraft, or use low-flying airplanes to chase

the wolves, run the helpless creatures to exhaustion, then gun them down

at point-blank range once they're too tired to run any further.

So far, the Bush administration has refused to use its power to stop the

slaughter of these magnificent animals.

We must stop the slaughter of Alaska's wolves. Help me protect these

magnificent creatures by clicking the link below to send a free message to

President Bush and Interior Secretary Kempthorne urging them to enforce

the Federal Airborne Hunting Act before it's too late for Alaska's wolves.

Please go to to take action now.

Then forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to join


Thanks for helping to protect our precious wolves.

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