Saturday, September 24, 2005

I am sooooo taking the nite time, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so you can rest medicine with my coffee and am going to blog about it. Actually, my son left it here but I figure since he also left empty food wrappers, dirty clothes, dirty dishes and numerous other creative messes, It was only fair. It will be kind of fun to see which drug wins. Such as life has it's ups and downs --so do my meds.
After calling so many places by the time I got to them I all but said "Look, I'm old but not that old, I'm of child bearing years but not bearing any and I'm not looking to get lucky. Can you still help me?"
I have enough meds now to cure any uri uti etc for the next ten years. I can ward off anything--just kidding. I tried to get my script filled near where I bank but the little city hadn't ever even heard of the common drug. It's an antibiotic that is used in a wide range of illnesses. Soooooooo a clerk at Walgreens in this little town said they didnt have it but knows they carry it in their other store in Tulsa. She was right so I now have to state --go to Walgreens open 24\7 in Tulsa 71st and Lewis and avoid repeating yourself over and over again in lil cities lol.
My next quest is going to be more difficult and costly---Oral Surgeon. Once and for all. Focus will be on teeth and car this year it seems but it will enable me to drive around with pearly whites ;0D
Heres to good health, white teeth, and fine running machines!
Friday, September 23, 2005

I was 6 years old and obviously already too trusting although I was slowly figuring it all out. Mom served to speed it up just a tad.
"Now, Susie, I will stand behind you and you just fall back and trust that I'll catch you." I started to but was a little hestitant what with the voices in my head saying" Don't do it, you fool." Finally, I stand there, like an idiot, and fall back. I can still remember that loud crash as I hit the floor almost landing on her toes. "Oh, Geez, You almost got my toes." she said laughing with tears in her eyes. As she walked away still laughing she said, "Funny thing about trust, isn't it?"
Ah, memories.
I've heard people talk about that same "exercise" and I think to myself "You aint getting me in THAT trickbag again!" lmao
That was a valuable lesson; Mom was KOO KOO.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Good Idea
‘Stop The Bop’ To Raise Katrina $$
Delone Catholic High School in McSherrystown, Pa., has a fun fundraising program called “Stop the Bop.”
Suggested by a few members of the student council, the school is playing Hanson’s 1996 hit “MMMBop” through the loudspeakers before classes begin, between periods and during lunch. The idea? Annoy students into donating; have them pay to stop the music.
The goal is $3,000, which could be reached if each of the 659 students donates $5.
“MMMBop” has been playing since Wednesday, and the school has raised about $2,300 so far.
Student Council President Meredith Cox and Vice President Maria Landi, both of whom are seniors, came up with the idea.
With the song playing in the background, Landi told The Early Show co-anchor Hannah Storm, “It’s pretty annoying. I’m getting kind of sick of it. But we’re doing it for a good cause.”
The school’s principal, Dr. Maureen Thiec, says that when the students approached her with the idea, “I thought, ‘Oh, my goodness, the teachers are going to kill me.’ But we’re making it!”
She says that some of those teachers “have given very generously.”
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Windows has failed me
Oh yes and I must add, a wonderful man named Jerry gave me a link to my purple bunny so my life is but a happy one! I have my purple bunny toolbar on my 1.5 FF, YAY!!!!!!!!!!
Update=I got my notifier back and it works- yay!
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For me its FF 1.5 beta 1
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Sleepy Saturday

Back aches are kind of tricky. If it's just a muscle ache you can rest and or soak it away. But, when it hurst down to the bone as if they were all crushed and fused as one, it's a different story. Problem is, it feels so good when you're asleep, but the pain is worse than when it started when you awake. Kind of makes ya feel like not waking up. Sooner or later you have to wake up and because of all the extra sleep you usually get a bad headache on top of it. You're left with a tough decision. Sleep for immediate relief and wake up with puffy dark eyes,dizziness, headache, stiffness and more tired than ever, or , tough it thru (which is usually what causes the problem to begin with), and never get any relief from pain. there should be a happy medium in there someplace. But I'm convinced that there isn't.
I'm awake now, a little less pain other than my eyes hurting lol. Everyone else is gone-living. I may as well be asleep now as the day is over and I still have no energy to do a damn thing. Thank you, mother internet, for being here. The cat, who is staring at the floor, even looks depressed and mad at me for sleeping. The dog is talking to his neighbor friend, she is a bitch but her loves her.
I should have never given away that gerbil. Rosey was so cool and a perfect friend for times like these. I gave her away to go shack up with an idiot. I let the idiot and now I have no Rosey. Lil one is old enough now to know that she can't leave the gerbil in the middle of the floor to wait for her return. She did this with Smokey, Rosey's roomate and friend. Smokey took off and to this day we don't know if she left town, mingled and multiplied with common mice, or just lived a life of a hermit snacking on our crumbs in that old house. All we know is we wished her the best and never seen nor heard from her again. Not so much as a postcard. The common mice were like thugs. Thug mice. I hope they didn't take advantage of her or influence her into things that were not in her nature. Then again perhaps there are some half breed(mousebils or germice) running around Kelly Lane. Maybe a whole new breed of superior mice looking gerbils. Kind of neat.
It would be wiser to strengthen a bad back and prevent it from hurting again. To rest it is weakening it further, I do know. The thoughts of actually taking my own advise in itself, is frightening and painful. Kind of makes me want to nap lol.
Well, here I go, getting booted,lets see if my post shall remain this time. Tis the true test of my FF 1.5 beta 1.
Well I appear to be still here.
Truth is, that for me, to relax is to sleep. Relaxing makes me nervous. When I am awake, I am 100%. I'm alert and aware. I'd much rather be asleep than to feel 50%(tired unaware etc). I guess I have that all or none thing going on.
I have tomorrow off and perhaps I will go swimming or something. I shant be held to anything, for monday starts another weak of back pain.
I'm going now to make a hot cup of java. I'm going to drink until sleep comes knocking once again. My back feels better although I've sort of taken on the shape of a turtle without it's shell. It's more comfy that way ..........
Stay tuned.
HOW TO Build Your Own "Telecrapper"

Friday, September 09, 2005
FF 1.5 beta 1

Thursday, September 08, 2005
Test and Purple Bunny
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
This is only a test

If this were an actual emergency you would be informed as to where to read my blog elsewhere. I repeat this is only a test. Ok, so it's a place to sport some of the newest pics of my lil grandbaby as well. This AOL browser seems to be compatible with blogger so far.
And to all a good blog.............. . Arts & Crafts Community, Platform, Market